Grunerite infrared spectrum

Grunerite sample data

Description: Grunerite mineral
Mineral: Grunerite
FT-IR ID: IR5848
Ideal chemistry: []Fe++7Si8O22(OH)2
Locality: Schneeberg, Tirol, Austria
Source: Grigore Cobălcescu Museum
Owner: Department of Geology – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi

Grunerite Infrared spectrum

Infrared bands of Grunerite

Wavenumbers (cm-1): 1130, 1086, 997, 977, 896, 777, 512sh, 489, 431


Instrument settings: Bruker Vertex 70 FT-IR spectrometer
Spectral resolution: 2 cm-1
Conditions of measurement: at room temperature using KBr pellet technique


  1. The Mineralogy Database [link]